My Internet History

<E-mail part>

Hanmail - This is one of the first e-mail site that I used for the first time. When I started to use the internet, it was very popular to make e-mail address in Daum (Hanmail). So, I made my e-mail address in Daum but I don't use this e-mail now cause there are many spam mails in my account.

Ymail - Now, I am using Ymail. This is kind of yahoo's account. This is kind of simple and has big places to save my e-mail. Do you want to try to use Ymail account?

<Messanger part>

Buddy Buddy- 10 years ago, it was popular to use the internet. Actually, When I was 6 grade in elementary school, Internet like megapass was introduced for the first time. So, we need something to talki with friends on the internet. At that time, I made buddy buddy account. Buddy Buddy was very ! very ! popular within elementary school student and middle school student. Everyday, we log in Buddy Buddy for talking with friends.

Nate on -  Maybe, this is very general messangers for adult. Also I have Nate-on ID.